Speaker | Topic | Scheduled Time in IST (P.M) |
Thomas Logan | Considerations for Inclusive Social VR | 5:30 – 6:10 |
Dennis Lembree | SVG Icons and Screen Reader Accessibility | 6:15 – 6:55 |
Tanisha Sabherwal | Writing Accessible friendly CSS | 7:00 – 7:40 |
Prem Nawaz Khan Maraikayar | Challenges we face while automatic accessibility testing and some solutions to overcome | 7:45 – 8:25 |
Amy Carney | 100 Days of Accessibility: Getting started on web accessibility | 8:30 – 9:10 |
Ted Drake | Exploring Inclusive Artificial Intelligence | 9:15 – 9:55 |
Considerations for Inclusive Social VR
By Thomas Logan
XR technologies open the door to people with disabilities in ways rarely imagined before. Thomas Logan will provide best practices on how to create online immersive presentations that are accessible to people with
disabilities. XR technologies have moved quickly, often avoiding the technologies that will ensure that all people can participate in a virtual environment. Learn how to ensure XR stays inclusive across all platforms.
Writing Accessible friendly CSS
By Tanisha Sabherwal
While we use CSS styling to beautify our components and create seamless visual interactions, the downside of the same is broken accessibility. The real art is to design components and layouts such that they are accessible.
SVG Icons and Screen Reader Accessibility
By Dennis Lembree
Use of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is becoming more prevalent on the web. SVG is often used for content, linked icons, and buttons. But which methods of embedding SVG in HTML are accessible to screen readers? Based on extensive testing, in this talk you’ll learn which coding methods are supported best across a variety of screen reader and browser combinations. You’ll also learn how ARIA can be used to make SVG more accessible, and where support is still lacking.
Challenges we face while automatic Accessibility testing and some solutions to overcome
By Prem Nawaz Khan Maraikayar
We may automate testing from the development phase to testing and with continuous integration. There are various strategies like testing on the client’s browser to testing it on a server, each and every method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Lets discuss on some of the challenges and how it may be overcome.
Exploring Inclusive Artificial Intelligence
By Ted Drake
Learn how artificial intelligence is making the world more inclusive. There are hidden uses that simplify tasks, reduce barriers, and surface the hidden details. AI is also democratizing health care with early diagnosis, lower costs, and customized solutions. But not all is rosy, we also need to understand the impact of bias and the resulting solutions that are not inclusive.
100 Days of Accessibility: Getting started on web accessibility
By Amy Carney
Getting started in web accessibility can feel daunting. It took a few tries, 100+ dedicated days, and a path to certification for Amy Carney to get on her way to becoming an accessibility ally and champion. As Amy shares her own journey, be inspired to start your own journey, walk away with helpful resources and tools, and start making an impact on the web today.
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